Symphonic Band Compositions
2024 Compositions
The Storm Before The Calm - 4:41
This composition started out in April 27th, 2024 and I finished up on July 25, 2024. I wanted to start out with a fast an furious feeling adding instrument sections in at different times ,working towards a fanfare as thought the storm has hit! As the tune deleveloped, it took me through a cycle of variations of melodic and textural changes, with moments of the storm fanfare recurring. As the tune developed, it more and more felt like it was a Storm Before The Calm.
Now, I have always heard the phrase "the calm before the storm" of which I always felt, growing up, that the storm comes first and after it has moved on, the clam seems to settle in.
This composition started out in April 27th, 2024 and I finished up on July 25, 2024. I wanted to start out with a fast an furious feeling adding instrument sections in at different times ,working towards a fanfare as thought the storm has hit! As the tune deleveloped, it took me through a cycle of variations of melodic and textural changes, with moments of the storm fanfare recurring. As the tune developed, it more and more felt like it was a Storm Before The Calm.
Now, I have always heard the phrase "the calm before the storm" of which I always felt, growing up, that the storm comes first and after it has moved on, the clam seems to settle in.
Remember When - 5:18
I started sketching out this piece in Nov. of 2024. I wanted to create a solum type of piece and went through a few woodwind instruments to start the piece off with. I finally decided to start with a solo clarinet , freely playing through the intro prior to the woodwind section joining in. In a live performance, the soloist would take their time and give freedom to the melody, sculpting it in a somber way. As the tune develops, it started reminding me of past experiences that I fondly remember. Most family oriented times when we all would gather at a relatives house, reunited with each other and sharing stories with each other. Now, of coarse, most, if not all of those relative have passed on. It's pretty much in a minor key that winds its way through the piece until the very end when I decided to end on a Picardy Third and a smile. This composition makes me ........ "Remember When", Maybe it will for you.
Journey For Tomorrow - 4:20
I wrote this composition in 2023. I was designing it based on the rubrics of what the publishing company’s were defining as guidelines for the publishing of Middle School Band Music. So, I followed the guidelines and composted this piece. I have not yet submitted it to any publisher. Then in October, 2024 I was approached by the Conductor of the 2025 All Northern Ca. Junior High School Honor Band, Mario Sebastian, and asked me if he could conduct the tune and asked to create a Fanfare at the beginning so it’s an introduction to their concert. I of coarse said yes, I’d be honored you for to do that. However, I felt that if this was an honor band performing this piece, I may need increase the skill level. So I went to YouTube and search any recordings of the 2024 All Northern Ca. Junior HS Honor Band. WellI did and I was correct in thoughts about upgrading the skill level and finally came to this final version of “A Journey For Tomorrow” to be performed Feb. 16th 2025 at Univ. of Pacific in Stockton Ca.
To hear the original , 1st completed version, scroll down and you'll see it. You'll be able to hear the differences !
New Beginnings : 5:03
This tune starts out with a brass chorale, soft, gentle and forward moving. Then the woodwinds took over and continued the conversations that the brass spoke about. Then the brass respond and share their story back. Finally the two sections join together to finish out their conversation. At this point the new beginning's start to develop and go through a variation of fun melodic ideas, feelings which place the tune into a forward dance like feeling motion that works its way to an agreement of a New Beginning.
2023 : New Compositions and reworked pieces
September Morning :
Sketch started Aug 2022. Finished and revised Feb. 2023
Length- 3:35. Gr Level - 2+ish
I Sketched this piece out one morning while staring out the window into my back yard. Sun was just coming up, it was calm and quiet. As I sketched it out, the title came to me when I was about 70% done with the sketch. When I finished the work, I set it off to the side due to being involved withy another project. I finally returned to it in Feb. 2023 and refined it a bit
Something's Missing, It's Time To Go:
Written March 2023
Length: 4:50. Gr Level 3/3+ish
Both this came about after I wrote a brass quintet composition for the brass group I'm currently playing in here in Napa.
It's a 5 movement piece title "Story To Tell" and each movement was considered a chapter. It a reflection on childhood and various events that we all (must have) experienced. Later, when I decided to score it out for the Symphonic Band, I decided to combine 2 mvts into 1 complete piece. Creating a slow/fast contrast for each. So this tune combines MVTs 1 & 2 (hence the title) from the Brass Quintet work. (the Brass Quintet piece can be found on the Music Media page)
Searching For Home :
Written Feb. 2023
Length-4:55. Gr Level - 3'ish
After finishing up with September Morning I started sketching out this piece. As sketching continued, it started to developing and again, one idea led to the next. By the time I was about 80% into it, it felt like someone was trying to return home from somewhere!
Basically, this piece is about someone who is just not enjoying where they are. Whether they are physically somewhere they don’t want to be or they are mentally in need of a new place to feel.
The tune starts out with that person thinking about how to get out of where they happen to be. They start imagining what it would be like. Then they start to develop that course of travel they need to take and they discover how they are going to make it happen. The fanfare you’ll hear is just that! They have found a way “home”. Then the adventure takes place and the song turns into a joyful, dance-like feel as they get closer to home. Finally the adventure calms down and that person finally arrives.
I did change the title form "Heading For Home" to Searching For Home"
Foggy Day, Sun's Out Lets Play:
Written March 2023
Length: 4:35. Gr Level - 3/3+ish
As explained in above composition "Somethings Missing, It's time to go", this composition in based on MVTs 3 & 4 of the Brass Quintet work. The day starts our foggy, damp, not very adventurous. Then, the sun comes out and things change into a exciting and playful day. I transcribed this Brass Quintet work out for Symphonic Band for what you will hear.
Journey For Tomorrow :
Written: Started sketching this out March 2023 / Finished July 2023
Length:3:32. Gr. Level -2/2+
As in most of my work, they are usually graded as 3 or 3+ in terms of performance skill levels (Adv. High School & College ensembles) On this tune, I was staying focused on a grade level of 2 or 2+ ( Adv. Mid-Sch & Intermediate High School). So I started sketching out my ideas to stay within the grade level parameters. Title pretty much came at the end after I had finished the tune. This piece went through several revisions before I completed it. I also was bouncing back and forth from one project to another. But, I finished it!
Morning Sun Returns:
Length: 4:17. Gr Level - 3'ish, maybe 3+
This tune was originally written in 2018 as a Symphonic Orchestra. Not sure if you recall this or not, but there was a mass shooting in a local Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks where 12 victims died. Alaina Housley, one of those victims, and was also a student of mine at Vintage, played in my orchestra and I am personally friends with her mom & dad. Anyway, I wrote this piece and gave it to them. Now, last spring (2023) Brendan Day , Band Director at American Canyon High School, (and a fellow student of mine as well) asked me if I had a piece that his entire music students (Band & Orchestra) could play together for their last selection for their Spring Concert. Long story short, I went back to this original work, tweaked it, got it down to 5+ minutes and they played it. I then decided to score it out to just the Symphonic Band and got it to 4:17 minutes! (The original Composition is 7: 40) Anyway.... Now you know!
Compositions - 2019-20-21-22
Take Flight
Sketch started : Feb. 3, 2021
Finished : Mar. 17, 2021
Length: 6:34
Form: A-B-A
I had just finished Heroes of The Valley and wanted to put a bit of time before starting a new pice. During that time, ideas started to run through my head. As the ideas started to solidify, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to write a piece with a constant Ostinato style of energy. On top of that, I wanted to perpetuate that feel of forward movement by using a variation of the triplet feel. After soon developing stages of the themes, I decided to drop the percussion out and let the winds continue the forward energy which created a quasi “B” section without changing tempo (This happens about 2:40 into the tune). For the next 3:30 minutes I gave the Winds the main themes, counterparts, etc. and pairing those melodic themes with single percussion pairings with the woodwinds and brass. At the 5:30 mark, I brought back the beginning "A" thematic material to to set up for the ending.
Metaphorically , while working on it and listening multiple times to it, the song started to reveal its title. In some way, when you watch an eagle take flight, moving up in altitude to a place where they can simply soar, so too are we. Starting to leave the past 14 months of being under the confinement of pandemic, we are also ready to "Take Flight" into the future.
Hope you enjoy it.
It's Time To Move On
Sketch Started Nov 3 2020 - Finished Dec. 12 2020
Length: 4:33
It's Time To Move On
Sketch Started Nov 3 2020 - Finished Dec. 12 2020
Length: 4:33
It's Been A While
Started the sketch Nov. 9 2020 - Finished Nov 17th 2020
Length: 5:22
It's Been A While
Started the sketch Nov. 9 2020 - Finished Nov 17th 2020
Length: 5:22
This Too Shall Pass
Started the sketch Feb. 28, 2020 - Finished Mar. 25 2020
Length: 7:36
This Too Shall Pass was part of my compositions I wrote during the Covid19 Pandemic shut down. Just reflecting on a "normal" time for all of us. Perhaps something mello, thoughtful, meditating like.
Ghost Light : June 2020
Started working in this sketch at the beginning of May, 2020.
Completed June 15th 2020
Length: 7:34
As with most of my work, I have a concept running through my head which is usually related to my current surroundings. As the the country shuts down due to the covid-19 issue and watching society anxiously awaiting the "reopening" opportunities to start, even though Covid-19 is still a dominating factor is all our lives, but learning how to deal with it, the composition started to send signals to me in regards to the compositions title. It started to feel like, and reminded me of the legendary symbolic lamp that is placed front center of a performing stage.
Another component of thoughts regarding this composition was about a student that attend Vintage High School while I was there. Devon Hadsell, a wonderful vocal student, performer and friend of our daughter, whom we saw quite often around the house, and performed in the Vintage Musical Productions. After graduation, she followed her passion. Long story short, she ended up on Broadway, and 2018 and landed a role in "Mean Girls". Soon after, Covid hit and the theaters went dark. After Broadway started to reopen, Devons hard work and goals, established a role in the original cast in ""Some Like It Hot" which won the Tony Award.
"A ghost light is a light that stays on inside the theatre, even when the house is dark, when a show's not going on, or when a show's not running,"...... Using that concept as a symbolic metaphor to what our country (world) is going through . Hopefully we will be able to turn off the Ghost Light and return what we know as norm.
The composition is A-B-A form. The "B" section is when the Ghost Light is turned on!
This Too Shall Pass
Started sketching this out Feb. 28th 2020.
Completed March 20th 2020
Length: 7:35
As with all my family, friends and colleagues who are "Sheltered In" I also found myself challenged with something to do. For me, it was heading back to my compositional interests, challenging myself with the opportunity to create. These compositions start out in a sketch form, (as they all do...) and as it starts to develop, it tells me what direction to take. By the time I get 70% into it, I start to feel the Title surfacing. (although I have an abstract concept of what is being developed). The challenge was to develop a composition based on one idea. .... the first 3 notes that you'll hear in the opening French Horn/Euphonium Statement...... from that point on, it takes its course.
The Title simply reflects where we all (the world!) are and dealing with. Covid-19.

2020 - A Fanfare For Tomorrow
Start sketching this out Jan. 2. Completed Jan. 23rd.
Length: 4:37
First rehearsal reading Feb. 3, 2020 at Napa Valley College Wind Ensemble. Debut performance is scheduled for May 1st at Napa Valley College Performing Arts Theater.
The basis of this composition is the division of what America is feeling and going through. I personally refuse to get wrapped up in this division due to the quality of my family, friends and colleagues. I also feel that the leadership of America needs to change and to reunite us ALL with a since of direction, humanity, passion and global respect. Doesn't matter which side of the "hall" people sit, what matters is that we work together to accomplish common goals that will offer a quality of life for us all. I believe that we all share common values so I'm hoping that 2020 will be the beginning of a new mindset.
This Composition is now Published by : GPG Music - Reno Nevada
In Motion - Aug. 4, 2019
This is the Original Composition.
Publication Editions is below.
Length: 8:20
I had just finished "Angle's Theme" (Orchestral Composition) and a couple weeks went by and I started thinking about another project. As my thoughts started to take a direction, I knew that I wanted to come out of the shoot, right away, with forward movement. As I sketched out the first four measures, the composition quickly started talking to me. Leading me down the road to what comes next. Using bits of imitation and variation technic's, not knowing exactly where it would take me, I simply followed my instincts and went for the ride. one thing leading to the next!
I started sketching this out in the beginning of July, 2019, and pretty much finished August 4, a month later.
As with most of my compositions, the concept of the tune comes before the title. So as the composition develops I start getting ideas of its title. This particular title didn't solidify itself until later on in mid August. Therefore, dubbing it "In Motion"
Love to hear your feed back, comments, etc..... email me at: [email protected]
This Composition is now Published by : GPG Publication - Reno Nevada
In Motion Original Soundtrack below

In Motion - GPG Music Publication Edition
Time Length: 5:02
During the Covid issue and schools all shut down, GPG Music let me know that they would like to publish "In Motion". But I needed too whittle it down to around 4:30 minutes from the original 8:20. So, during that "Covid" time frame, I did just that, and this past school year, when schools were reopening, I resubmitted in Nov. 2021, and GPG Music accepted the new edition of "In Motion". It has finally arrived.
To listen to it, after you've read the publishers comments regarding the composition, click on the link below and follow the promps. Hope you enjoy is.
This Composition is now Published by : GPG Publication - Reno Nevada
"In Motion"
Performed by the Sonoma St. Univ. Wind Ensemble
Andy Collinsworth Director
After a few conversations with Andy ColIinsworth, he presented me the opportunity to bring In Motion up to Sonoma St. Univ. for a reading and recording by the SSU Wind Ensemble. So Thursday Sept. 19th, 2019 I headed over to Sonoma St. Univ.
Andy gave "In Motion" a large period of time, reading, going over some details, and having a wonderful interaction between myself and the ensemble. In short, it was great spending time with the Sonoma St. Wind Ensemble and I’m extremely grateful for this "Meet the Composer" opportunity.
The result, after about 45/50 minutes session of reading, tweaking, going over some details and making notes in my score, we got a recording. The ensemble was fortunate to rehearse in the Green Music Center “Weill Hall”, a State of the Arts Performing venue that everyone should experience and the recording we captured ended up being really good.
Below is the result of that session!
Thank you Andy & the Sonoma St. Univ. Wind Ensemble.
In Motion : Publication Edition
Landscapes : 2018
Symphonic Band Composition
To be premiered in the Spring 2019 by Napa Valley College Wind Ensemble. In late June, we found ourselves in the rural, center hillsides of Italy. Gazing over the area, I was taken back by such a common likeness to our local Napa Valley. The beginning Andante section is reflective of the rolling hills and valleys. Peaceful, calm, slow pace with life and friendliness. However, in August, the Allegro Section came to me while I was looking out of our hotel window while visiting New York City. In one direction, there was Central Park. The other direction was a continuos barrage construction sites of high rises, people dodging cars, horse drawn carriages and all the normal hustle and bustle of the New York City life. Obviously, the tempo of humanity provided the contrast. Below pictures reflect my views.
You will see Landscapes beginning to be sketched out on my Mac.
Reflections: 2017
Symphonic Band Composition
After sprending 31 years as the Instrumental Music Director at Vintgage High School in Napa Ca. I retired ! It was a very good run with the kids, parents and school district. Thank you Tom Presscott for taking that risk when you hired my in August of 1986!
Throughout the summer of 2017, I caught myself relecting on my experience and how fun it was to start out with 56 kids who simply wanted to do something. Make a name for their efforts as well as for their school. We grew form those 56 kids into 2 Symphonic Bands, Jazz Band, String & Symphonic Orchestra. Award winning Marching Band, Color Guard, Winter Percussion. Not to mention the dozen of students that came through my program that are now current Teachers, (both Classroom and Music Teachers) , Professional Musicans, and are participating in their Community Music World, it's very rewarding knowing we were able to contribute excellent humans to our society! Also, out of the three high school's we have in Napa, two of those Instrumental Music Directors came through my program! It's been fun.
First performed by the Univ. of Pacific Wind Ensemble Feb. 2018. Also performered by the Napa Valley College Wind Ensemble, May 2018
Umbria: 2016
During the summer of 2016, my wife and I went to Italy. First stopping in Florence to vist a dear friend of ours for a few days. After that, we headed south through central Italy, landing in the Umbria Region and settling into a small town of il poggio nestled on top of a hill with many acres of open farm land and space. Not to mention the Antiquity and History that landmarks this country.
Well, after a week or so in the area, and the arrival of more family members, I got inspired and "Umbria" was done!
I had my "Wind Ensemble" at Vintage High School perform this composition at my "Last" Spring Concert before officially retiring.
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